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Historical Fiction for the Holidays: Print and Ebook Bundles

holidaybooksThe Amazon MatchBook program bundles ebook editions with print editions of books, and just in time for the Holidays, a number of the members of the Historical Fiction Authors Cooperative have made the matching ebook versions of their following print books FREE.

This is the perfect gift for readers who prefer print but also like to have a digital version (or you can give the print edition as a gift and keep the digital edition for yourself!)  Click on a book’s cover and be taken to the Amazon page where you can buy the print edition. Once you have bought the book you will be offered the chance to download the free ebook version.

Happy Holiday Gift Giving and Reading!


The Wedding Shroud The Golden Dice The Year-God's Daughter The Thinara King
In the Moon of Asterion Vestal Virgin Hetaera Rubies of the Viper


Isabeau The Crown in the Heather The Last Pendragon The Pendragon's Quest
Daughter of Time Footsteps in Time Prince of Time The Good Knight
The Uninvited Guest The Fourth Horseman The Sword Master


EARLY MODERN WORLD: ============================================

The Executioner's HeirThores-Cross Ill Wind Dead Reckoning ===========================================
Paper Woman The Blacksmith's Daughter Camp Follower Regulated for Murder =============================================
A Hostage to Heritage



Of Moths and Butterflies Cry of the Peacock The Heart of a Lie Daniel's Garden ===========================
A Storm Hits ValparaísoMaids of Misfortune Uneasy Spirits Bloody Lessons


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