Gev Sweeney has been telling tales since sixth grade, when she was caught daydreaming about a failed jungle expedition. She grew up to become a journalist who did everything from getting caught in a riot to shooting a Brown Bess. She advocates historic authenticity in fiction but forgives Shakespeare for all those horrid anachronisms in Julius Caesar. She says the best part of doing research for her debut novel, The Scattered Proud, was reading bound volumes of the French Revolutionary newspaper le Moniteur universel on a lower level of Princeton University’s Firestone Library, beneath the cold, craggy scowl of Rodin’s hideous bust of Balzac.
Born in Paterson, New Jersey, Gev holds an M.A. in the History and Theory of Music from Rutgers University and an M.A. in Corporate and Public Communication from Monmouth University. She lives at the Jersey Shore with Baby Auden and Philip Baby-Boar, a pair of plump, cuddly guinea pigs who have a loving following in the real world and online.
Fictional History by Gev Sweeney featured on this website