Richard Sutton was born in California in 1952 and has lived in every Western Coast State. He’s been writing in one form or another since high school, he says, to get the voices out of his head.
After leaving college, he was an Oregon commune guitar-playing goatherd, tree-planter, cannery worker, health food store manager and illustration artist. He also worked as a ski mechanic and as a frame carpenter before hitchhiking to New York, where he met his wife in 1973.
He gradually built his career in advertising design and freelance copy writing, finally establishing a design studio on Long Island. In 1989, seeing it was time for a change, he turned Indian trader full-time, operating his family business in authentic Native Indian arts successfully for more than 20 years before completing his first novel.
“I just keep finding new hats whose fit I like.” says the author. He’s settled snugly into the writer’s hat and has several new novels in the works. He and his wife and their cats, children and grandchildren live on Long Island.
Historical Fiction by Richard Sutton Featured on this Website
Other Fictional work by Richard Sutton
The Heroes at the Ford: A Tale of Ireland in the Iron Age
Back to Santa Fe: Second Chances can get messy