Yama Man
December, 1906. For the third time, McRae finds himself conversing with a disembodied spirit. The first time, before the San Francisco Quake, it was a dead Italian soldier. The second, A.Q. (After Quake), she was a live woman lying in a coma thousands of miles distant. Now McRae, reporter for the San Francisco Call, gets sent to cover a story not Quake related. There has been a mining disaster in Bakersfield. Five men are dead, one still living, but trapped underground. Can he be rescued? A great human interest report, dramatic and easy to write, what could go wrong? Until McRae finds himself talking to an actual demon. Or is it a god? Its name is Yama, and it says it wants Justice. Then Crazy Mollie shows up to help.
(Word count 39,000; available as ebook and print)